

to Online Volunteers Information System (OVIS).
OVIS offers the following functionalities:
- Secured access rights and data confidentiality.
- Facility to upload the volunteers to be checked.
- Data validation and Verification.
- Probable matches based on volunteers' names and gender.
- View basic sharable volunteers' data of various CROs.
- Image viewing for a match with the existing data on web.
- View the existing status of a volunteer.
- Assign / Edit new status.
- Data entry editing window and locking.
- View status of any volunteer initialised by a (that) CRO.
- Download volunteer status for local database upgrading.
- Password control and profile editing.
your OVIS username and password
to sign in.
For access to the OVIS services please contact: inquiry@crovecs.com
By logging in, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service. |